Online Books
- Holy Bible – interlinear (original vs. English)
- Holy Bible (search by word)
- Sfanta Scriptura
- Patrologia Graeca – Holy Fathers – works in Greek
- Patrologia Latina – Holy Father & Holy Councils – works in Latin & English
- Myriobiblos – Holy Fathers writings, Holy Bible in Greek, English, French, Romanian, Spanish, Russian etc.
- Romanians in Canada – by Eleanor Bujea, Ph. D(excerpts)
- Where money grew on trees -by John Goodes (excerpts)
- Solia, The Herald
Useful Links
- Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
- Orthodox Church of America
- Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of Americas
- Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Canada
- Canadian Orthodox Church – David J. Goa
World Churches
Autocephalous Churches

The Church of Constantinople
His All-Holiness, Bartholomew I
Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome, and Ecumenical Patriarch

The Church of Alexandria
His Beatitude, Theodoros II
Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa

The Church of Antioch
His Beatitude, John X
Patriarch of Antioch and All the East

The Church of Jerusalem
His Holiness, Theophilus III
Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine

The Church of Russia
His Holiness, Kirill
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

The Church of Georgia
His Holiness and Beatitude, Ilia II
Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi

The Church of Serbia
His Holiness, Irinej
Archbishop of Pech, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch

The Church of Romania
His Beatitude, Daniel
Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, Locum tenens of the throne of Caesarea of Cappadocia, Patriarch of Romania

The Church of Bulgaria
His Holiness, Neophyt
Patriarch of Bulgaria

The Church of Cyprus
His Beatitude, Chrysostomos II
Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus

The Church of Greece
His Beatitude, Ieronymos
Archbishop of Athens and All Greece

The Church of Albania
His Beatitude, Anastasios
Archbishop of Tirana, Durres, and All Albania

The Church of Poland
His Beatitude, Sawa
Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland

The Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
His Beatitude, Rastislav
Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia

The Orthodox Church in America
His Beatitude, Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of all America and Canada
Autonomous Churches

The Church of Sinai
His Beatitude, Damian
Archbishop of Sinai, Farum and Raithu

The Autonomous Church of Finland
His Eminence, Leo
Archbishop of Helsinki and all Finland

The Church of Japan
His Eminence, Daniel
Archbishop of Tokyo, Metropolitan of All Japan

The Church of Ukraine
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Onufry
Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine