ROEA – Great and Holy Pascha 2018 – Archipastoral Letter

Dragi Parinti,


Va transmitem urmatorul mesaj din incredintarea Parintelui Arhiepiscop Nathaniel:


  1. In acest link ( este Pastorala la Praznicul Invierii Domnului 2018 …. care se citeste in toate bisericile parohiale si manastiresti la Sfanta Liturghie a Pastilor.


  1. In pregatirea bisericii, dar mai ales a Sfantului Altar, pentru Sfintele Pasti, Parintele Arhiepiscop va reaminteste ca sfintele vase trebuiesc sa fie curate si bine intretinute, atat in interior si in exterior, cat si pocrovetele spalate si calcate. Obiectele liturgice de pe Sfanta Masa care sunt de metal sa fie lustruite curat cu o solutie speciala pentru acest material (Gorham Liquid Silver Polisher); nu le vospsiti peste daca sunt vechi si se pot reconditiona.


  1. Formularele pentru tabere de vara ale Episcopiei se gasesc la acest link ( … Va rugam promovati programele de vara pentru tineret si sprijinti desfasurarea lor prin participare sau sustinere materiala si financiara.


  1. Va reamintim, Congresul Episcopiei din acest an se va tine de joi, 6 septembrie pana sambata, 8 septembrie 2018 la Centrul Eparhial de la Vatra Romaneasca. Este un eveniment special fiind a 80a aniversare a Vetrei si tot odata hramul ei. Vom avea binecuvantarea sa ne inchinam la Icoana Maicii Domnului Iveron din Hawaii care va fi la Vatra pentru aceste zile de sarbatoare.


Va uram pace, bucurie si lumina in suflet cu ocazia Sfintei Invieri a Domnului!



Dear Fathers,


We are sending you the following message from His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel:


  1. Click the following link (( for the Resurrection Pastoral Letter 2018 … which is to be read in all parish churches and monasteries at the Paschal Divine Liturgy.


  1. In the preparation and cleaning of the church for Pascha, but especially of the Holy Altar, the Archbishop reminds you that the holy vessels must be clean and well maintained, both inside and out, as well as the communion cloths washed and ironed. Liturgical objects on the Holy Table that are brass should be polished with a special solution for this material (Gorham Liquid Silver Polisher); do not paint them over if they are old and can be reconditioned.


  1. Forms for the summer camps of the Episcopate are found at the following link ( … Please promote summer youth programs and support them by participating or by sustaining them materially or financially.


  1. We remind you that this year’s Episcopate Congress will be held from Thursday, September 6th to Saturday, September 8th, 2018, at the Vatra Romaneasca in Grass Lake, MI. It is a special event, being the 80th anniversary of the Vatra. We will have the blessing to pray before the Icon of Mother of God of Iveron from Hawaii during the weekend.


May the Light, peace and joy of the Resurrection shine within our souls!

Rev Fr David Oancea


Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America

A Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America

PO Box 185

Grass Lake MI 49240-0185 USA

(517) 522-4800 x 204 / Fax: (517) 522-5907

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