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The Most Reverend Dr. NATHANIEL Popp, Archbishop

January 31, 2018

RE: Canada West Deanery

Reverend Father and Members of the Parish Council,

At the Annual Congress of the Episcopate, in the session of September 1, 2017 we announced our intention to re-establish deaneries within the diocesan structure to assist us in the present administration of the Episcopate and to further enhance the missionary, pastoral and educational activities in parishes . As a result, effective February 1, 2018, we have named the new deans.

Thus, we inform you that you are part of the Canada West Deanery, led by Dean Rev. Fr. Nicolae Lapuste and composed of the following 6 parishes , vicariate center and cemeteries:
Holy Trinity Parish, New Westminster, BC Fr . Nicolae Lapuste, dean
Saint Mary Parish, Calgary, AB – Fr . Lucian Constantin
St George Cathedral, Regina, SK – Fr. Cristian Frunzulica
St Nicholas Parish, Regina, SK – Fr Cosmin Vint
Parish Saint George, Winnipeg, MB – Fr. Michael Ungrin
Protection of the Mother of God Churcb/Center, Fort Qu Appelle, SK – Fr Cosmin Vint
St Elias Parish Lennard, MB – Fr.  Den. Kenneth Gaber
Saint John the Baptist Parish, Shell Valley, MB – vacant
Saints Peter and Paul Church and Cemetery Flintoft, SK
Holy Trinity Church and Cemetery, McNutt, SK
Saints Peter and Paul Church Canora SK

Each appointed dean is responsible for the parishes within his deanery, as mentioned in the By-Laws  of the Episcopate in Article V, plus the additional responsibilities received from the Archbishop, for  the good order of pastoral life and parish administration.

We urge you, paternally, to fully cooperate with your dean. We ask cooperation in regional activities, especially for youth ministry, and in the mission of the Orthodox Church in the society in which we  live, with special attention for the pastoral care of the faithful. We are responsible, as we have stated at  the Congress, to make known that Christ is our God and Savior who came for the life and salvation of the world.

With hierarchal blessings,

+ NATHANIEL , Archbishop

Mailing: PO Box 309, Grass Lake, Michigan 49240-0309 Shipping: 2535 Grey Tower Road, Jackson , Michigan 49201-9120  Chancery Office: 517.522.4800 Department of Finance: 517.522 3598 Department of Publications: 517.522.3656
Facsimile: 517.522.5907 Email: chancery@roea .org Website: http ://www.roea .org

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The Most Reverend Dr. NATHANIEL Popp, Archbishop

31 ianuarie 2018

RE: Protopopiatul Canada Vest

Preacucernice Parinte Paroh si Membri ai Consiliului Parohial,

La Congresul Anual al Episcopiei, in sesiunea din 1 septembrie 2017, am anuntat intentia noastra de a renumi protopopi in structura eparhiala, pentru a ne asista in prezenta administrate a Episcopiei si pentru o mai buna dinamizare a activitatiilor pastoral-misionare, educationale si sociale in parohii . Ca urmare, incepand cu data 1 februarie 2018, am numit noii protopopi .

Va facem cunoscut ca sunteti parte din Protopopiatul Canada Vest, condus de Pr. Protopop Nicolae Lapuste, si care este compus din urmatoarele 6 parohii, Centrul Ft. Qu Appelle, cimitirele dependente:
Parohia Sfanta Treime, New Westminster, BC – Pr . Nicolae Lapuste, protopop
Parohia Sfanta Maria, Calgary, AB -Pr. Lucian Constantin
Catedrala Sfantul Gheorghe, Regina, SK – Pr . Cristian Frunzulica
Parohia Sfantul Nicolae, Regina, SK – Pr Cosmin Vint
Parohia Sfantul Gheorghe, Winnipeg, MB – Pr Michael Ungrin
Biserica Acoperamantul Maicii Domnului – Centrul Fort Qu Appelle, SK -Pr Cosmin Vint
Parohia Sfantul Ilie, Lennard, MB – Diacon Kenneth Gaber
Biserica Sfantul loan Botezatorul si cimitirul, Shell Valley, MB – vacant
Biserica Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel si cimitirul, Flintoft, SK
Biserica Sfanta Treime si cimitirul, McNutt, SK
Biserica Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel, Canora SK

Fiecare protopop numit este responsabil pentru parohiile din protopopiatul sau asa cum este evidentiat in Statutele Episcopiei in Articolul V plus alte responsabilitati primite de la Arhiepiscop, spre buna desfasurare a vietii pastorale si a administratiei parohiale.

Va indemnam, in duh parintesc, la deplina cooperare cu parintele protopop. Asteptam conlucrare in activitati regionale, in special, pentru tineret si pentru intensificarea misiunii Bisericii Ortodoxe in societatea in care traim, cu grija atenta deopotriva pentru cei pastoriti. Suntem responsabili asa cum, aminteam la Congres, de a face cunoscut lumii acesteia ca Hristos este Dumnezeul si Mantuitorul nostru, care a venit pentru viata si mantuirea lumii.

Cu arhieresti binecuvantari,

+ NATHANIEL, Arhiepiscop

Mailing: PO Box 309, Grass Lake, Michigan 49240-0309 Shipping: 2535 Grey Tower Road, Jackson , Michigan 49201-9120 Chancery Office: 517.522.4800 Department of Finance: 517.522 3598 Department of Publications: 517.522.3656
Facsimile: 517.522.5907 Email: chancery@roea .org Website: http ://www.roea .org